Many people have a hard time when it comes to getting rid of belly fat. While you notice that other areas of your body are slimming down, the waistline seems to be resistant! Is it impossible to slim down you middle? NO!
The secret to getting rid of belly fat is eating the right foods at the right times. Calcium is extra effective at helping slim down this area, although you may think that dairy products actually make you gain weight. If you eat yogurt, low fat cheese and skim milk, this will help you take off some inches around the middle.
Fat burning foods also make a big difference! Try adding some pectin rich fruits and whole grain foods like cereal and pasta. I know you think you can't eat foods like this and lose weight, but we have been taught all of our lives to count calories. WRONG! Foods actually burn fat, if you eat them in the right combination and at the right time.
Getting rid of belly fat really isn't as hard as you think. You just haven't used the right approach yet, and you really don't need to count calories, starve yourself, or exercise like an Olympic athlete. It's just not necessary!