If you want to lose weight, you want to do it quick. That's just the nature of people - when we want something, we want it now.
Here are a few tips on some quick ways to lose weight that truly work.
Add fruit to your diet, especially fruit containing pectin. Pectin is a super fat burning food.
Vary the types of foods you eat at each meal. Be sure each meal contains proteins, carbs, and fats. Combining these increases metabolism which will promote weight loss.
Eat smaller meals 4 to 5 times per day. Not only does this keep metabolism revved, it also keeps you from snacking because you feel full between meals.
Drink LOTS of water, and 1 or 2 glasses of green tea. Both increase metabolism, and a fast metabolism is what burns up the calories!
These are just a few tips on some quick ways to lose weight. You really don't have to suffer or starve to lose weight fast!