Many people try fasting to lose weight. This is not my idea of a fun way to do it, but it will knock off a few pounds in the first few days. Good, I guess, if you are just wanting to lose 3 or 4 pounds before a big event. Not good for your health!
Your body actually burns fat and calories because you put food IN to your body. Stop eating, and it's not long until your metabolism stops. What does this mean? No weight loss, AT ALL.
Years ago I worked with a women who EVERY SINGLE DAY ate low fat pretzels and an apple for lunch. She would tell me that for dinner, she and her husband may eat a hot dog or a bag of popcorn. This is ALL this woman ate all day long, every day! Then she wondered why she just couldn't lose any weight. There wasn't enough food in her system for her metabolism to work!
I told her this, and at first she didn't believe me. After a while, she decided to start adding a few other foods and eating a banana or cereal for breakfast (which she had never done before). Guess what? In a short time, she started dropping some weight. Just goes to show you, if eating so little can prevent you losing weight, fasting to lose weight certainly isn't the answer!