Nov 19, 2008

No Carb Diets - Why You Should Rule Them Out

No carb diets have been a popular method for losing weight in the past, but don't let them fool you. They usually don't work very well. Sure, you can lose weight at first, but it probably won't last long. Why? Because no carb diets are very strict and hard to follow. Also, when you don't eat any carbohydrates you will get very lethargic and your energy will go right out the window.

You know how you hear that athletes training for marathons and special events load up on carbohydrates the night before a big event. Do you know why? Because it gives them tons of energy. No carb diets won't do much for you, except leave you feeling drained.

Just think of all the foods you can't eat when you follow no carb diets - potatoes, pasta, many cereals and breads. I don't know about you, but I have to have my potatoes and pasta occasionally. I think using a diet that has the right balance of all types of foods works best. Just remember, you DON'T have to spend money on special foods and diet meals to lose weight! Those kinds of foods are more expensive than regular choices, and they won't help you in your weight loss efforts any more than regular foods do.